How to create column name


Last Update 3 yıl önce

Column in campaign, are 3 types pre-defined column, auto-genereated column and customised. In Column, We can define the value as text, name, Datetime and textarea(peragraph)

Note: Special character and repeated column name will not be accepted while creating column name.

Pre-defined column, are those column which get pre-setted in BeTyphon platform at time of new account signup. Inwhich, "phone" is a main column which helps to create the prospect in BeTyphon account- without "phone" prospect can not be created in BeTyphon.

Column NameDetails
firstNameName of the prospect
phonephone number of prospect - dialed button and whatsapp button
emailemail id of prospect for prospect communication
cityCity of prospect
stateState of prospect
source TagSource of prospect - Manual and API
companyCompany name of prospect
addressAddress of Prospect
placePlace of work
pincodeAddress pincode of prospect
CountryCountry of prospect based on it phonedialing and whatsapp will process

Auto-generated column, are those column which system generate's automatically based on activity in BeTyphon.

Column NameDetails
dispositionPrimary disposition + Secondary Disposition + Secondary Disposition1 
callbackFollowup date & time of prospect - it can be picked while creating disposition under callback action
remarksFeedback/ remarks which get added by user for prospect
appointmentappointment date & time of prospect - it can be picked while creating disposition under callback action
TotalCallsNumber of attempts by users for disposition update
CallStatusCall status - Connected / Not-Connected based on actual call dialing history of phone
assignToProspect can get assign while manual entry, data upload and API entry directly.
assignedByIts auto-picked and updated automatically when the prospect get reassigned in BeTyphon by user/ manager/ subscrier.
createdOnIts auto-picked and updated automatically when the prospect get created in BeTyphon
createdByIts auto-picked and updated automatically who creating the fresh prospect in BeTyphon
InSystemIts auto-gereneated column how the prospect get entered Manual-Api
IsActiveIt shows the followup status of True-False 
updatedOnThis column shows the updation in prospect incase of repeat entry
CallDialedCall status - dialed/ non-dialed  based on actual click of dial button
LastCalledDate & time when prospect was updated last-time to prospect in BeTyphon
LastCallername of user who called last to prospect in BeTyphon
phonecodeNeed to add the country code with phone number
CountryNameNeed to manage the country name for prospect

Customised column, are those which create by subscriber based on his/her requirement while uploading the CSV upload as Column name.

Step 1 - Make your CSV file ready

Step 2 - Select the Campaign to upload the file

Step 3 - Choose the file, under "File" in selected campaign

Step 4 - Get the file uploaded and map column name

Step 5 - Check the "File Logs" - Inserted, Updated or Failed.

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