Whatapp error in betyphon


Last Update 3 years ago

Due to mention below reason generally whatsapp API shows the error of "ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE"

Reason of error :-

1) Check the Internet in phone. - (Note : On 'Mobile Data'- Internet will not work at time of call)

2) Not given all the permission to Betyphon Application while downloading in phone.

3) Whatsapp or phone version is not latest which showing the connecting error.

4) Multiple Whatsapp application in phone which creating confusion for application to open the prospect number in whatsapp, as whatsapp get active for 30 minutes in phone - android policy.   (Suggestion for single whatsapp application to use the feature Or by permissions policy of phone - it can be priortized.)

To check the above, Kindly login by your account to Google chrome in phone by URL : https:web.betyphon.in   and then try the whatsapp button again to open the whatsapp for same prospect.

If its open - then check the reson of error and resolve it  and if its not resolved than reach us on [email protected] Or  1800-120-6389

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